1.     Introduction
This website is owned and operated by KL American LLC and its affiliates (collectively, “KL American LLC”, “us” or “we”). This Privacy Policy applies to Www.Thebestsod.Com, and any other website offered by us, which references or links to this Privacy Policy (the “website” or “websites”). We at KL American recognize that many visitors to our websites may have questions about the information we collect and how we use it. In order to address those sentiments, we have developed this Privacy Policy.
2.     Types of Information Collected
Personal Information
At this website, we may collect both personal information and technical information. Personal information describes information that is about you and from which you may be identifiable. Personal information relates to an individual consumer or business contact. We may collect the following personal information from you: name, address, telephone number, email address, and credit card or financial account information. We don’t require that you provide this information to us in order to view our website or have access to its content. We may, however, collect personal information if you purchase goods or products through this website, if you voluntarily sign up to be on our mailing list or create an online account with us, or if you email us. We may also collect personal information that you provide to us via our social media pages, including your social media account identifier and profile picture.
By initiating any activity or transaction that uses financial information on our website, you consent to providing your financial information to us and our service providers processing the transaction to the extent required to provide the payment services to you. When we collect payment information directly from you, like credit card numbers and expiration dates, we transmit this payment data directly from you to the credit card processing company and it is not stored by us.
Technical Information
Technical information relates to such things as how many people visit the website, which pages they access, the information they download, the type of browser and operating systems they use, the name of their internet service provider, device type used to access the website (i.e., computer or mobile device), geographical data, the click path taken through the website, use of features or applications on the website, and other information of this general type. When you visit our website we will automatically collect technical information and combine it with similar information collected about all other visitors to the website. By collecting this information we learn how best to develop our website to meet the needs and desires of our customers and visitors.  We also collect this information for security purposes, to facilitate website navigation, to personalize your experience while visiting the website, to maintain and help diagnose problems with our website, to build up marketing profiles, to aid strategic development and to help administer and audit usage of the website.
Information From Other Sources
We may also receive information about you (including personal information) from third parties. For example, we may receive information about you from our affiliate marketers who refer you to us for goods products, or if you are on another website and you opt-in to receive information from us, that website will forward to us your email address and other information about you so that we may contact you as requested.  We may combine the information we receive from these third parties with information we collect through the website. In those cases, we will continue to apply this Privacy Policy to any personal information received pursuant to this Privacy Policy, unless we have disclosed otherwise.
3.     Methods of Information Collection
As noted above, only technical information is collected from people who just visit this website and do not take any further actions on the website. Visitors who purchase through the website, email us, sign up for mailings, or other communicate with us online will usually be required to provide personal information to us. Without this personal information, we would be unable to respond to your inquiries, purchase orders, and/or requests.
4.     Cookies and “Passive” Collection of Information
Whenever you visit or interact with the website, we, as well as our service providers, may use assorted technologies that automatically or passively collect information about how the website is accessed and used. This website will use “cookie” technology from time to time. Cookies are pieces of information that are placed on an individual visitor’s hard drive for the purpose of keeping records. Cookies can enhance your online experience by saving your preferences while visiting a particular website. The cookies used by this website do not collect any personal information. When you visit or view this website, a “cookie” may be placed on your computer. Temporary cookies are used for purposes such as counting the number of visits to our websites. These temporary cookies are eliminated when you exit your browser. A permanent cookie may also be stored on your computer. When you log in, this type of cookie tells us whether you have visited this website before or if you are a new visitor. It may also give us other technical information. The cookie is not intended to obtain any personal information about you or provide us with a way to contact you. We do use the cookie to help us identify website features and content which are of the greatest interest, so we will be able to enhance this website to provide you with a great web experience. If you do not wish to have cookies placed on your computer, the “help” portion of your browser’s toolbar will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting any new cookies, how to disable cookies altogether, how to delete cookies once they have been placed on your computer and how to have your browser notify you when a new cookie has been received. Although you may take advantage of these features of your browser when visiting or viewing this website, please remember that cookies may help you take full advantage of the newest website features at this website, and we would encourage you to leave these cookies activated during your visit. Another tool that may be employed by this website is a “web beacon.” Web beacons are Internet tools that help us determine various types of technical information. When you ask us to send you information on a promotion or via newsletters, web beacons may be used to determine how many of the emails sent were actually opened. Please note, however, that in general, most images viewed as part of a web page can be used as a web beacon. We are also likely to passively collect such other technical information as the IP address of your computer and the type of browser that you are using. 
5.     Do Not Track Requests; Third Party Tracking 
We do not presently have the capability to omit you from usage analytics to the extent your browser only sends us a “do not track” message and does not otherwise screen you from tracking without any action on our part. Third parties, other than our vendors (such as our website analytics provider), do not have authorization from us to track which websites you visited prior to and after visiting the website. That said, we cannot control third party tracking and there may be some third party tracking that occurs without our knowledge or consent. 
6.     Questionnaires and Surveys
Visitors to this website may be asked to complete surveys or opinion polls regarding their interests, thoughts, opinions and attitudes. These types of surveys help us understand the needs and desires of our customers. Sample answers to such surveys may be posted to this website. Such sample answers could possibly include some of your personal information, such as your first name or city, but we will not include your last name, phone number, street address or email address as part of any publicly available posting of survey results.
7.     How Sod Solutions Uses Your Personal Information
We collect and use your personal information for a variety of business purposes, including to communicate with you and respond to your requests, to provide the products and services that you request, to communicate with you about our products and services, to fulfill and complete your transactions, to provide you with information about your products, services and offerings, to administer, to manage and respond to feedback and other questions, to comply with applicable laws and regulatory obligations, and to do all things necessary to administer, protect, improve and manage the website.
For example, if you purchase merchandise through this website, we use your personal information to set up your account and/or process your order. If you email us, agree to follow-up contact by KL American or ask to be placed on mailings lists that this website may maintain, we may contact you. For example, you may receive marketing and promotional materials, we may respond to your comments or questions or we may contact you if necessary during the course of processing a product or service you requested through our website. In addition to the uses listed above, we may use your personal information to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, as part of a statistical website usage analysis, and/or to improve the features and content of this website. We may also use your personal information to assist in delivery of content that is customized to your interests. This type of customized content may eventually include such things as banners and product information. We do not collect personal information on an automatic basis, but we may combine technical information (which is automatically collected) with your previously submitted personal information.
8.     Advertising Partners
KL American and this website do not currently deliver banner advertisements to other websites, either along with or through an advertising partner. If and when this website chooses to work with an advertising partner for such a purpose, various forms of tracking may be used by said advertising partner(s). Please be sure to check the user agreements and privacy policies of any company serving banner advertisements, either on behalf of this website or on behalf of any other website so advertised, should you be interested in the content of the policies governing their conduct.
9.     Disclosure of Information to Third Party Service Providers
KL American, during the course of its business, uses third-party companies and individuals to perform a variety of functions, such as financial institutions that assist us with payment transactions. We may disclose your personal information to third parties to protect the security and integrity of the website, to correct technical problems and malfunctions on the website, to technically process your information, to provide products and services, to help us market our products and services, to provide analytics or to take precautions against liability. We may also share information with our professional advisors (including lawyers and accountants) that assist us in carrying out our business activities.  These third parties may have access to information, both personal and technical, that is collected through this website. Such third-party providers are not to use the information to which they are granted access except for the purpose for which they were selected to work with us.
10. Disclosure of Information to Other Third Parties
We may use or disclose your personal information and other information we collect to affiliates or subsidiaries that require access to your personal information for business purposes. We reserve the right to transfer any information we have about you in connection with a sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of assets, reorganization or liquidation of our business.  KL American and this website may disclose personal or technical information in cases where we believe in good faith that it is necessary to prevent a crime or an injury or financial loss to ourselves or to third parties. In addition, we may disclose any and all information required pursuant to a court order, subpoena or otherwise required by law, treaty or regulation or if requested by a law enforcement agency or government entity. We also may disclose your personal information to third parties if we have reason to believe that disclosing such information is necessary to conduct investigations of possible breaches of law, to cooperate in any legal investigation, or to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating any agreement with us, including our Terms of Service. We may also disclose personal and technical information to third-party service providers, as described above. We may disclose personal or technical information about those people who contact us through the email features of the website or sign up for our mailing lists. There may also be times when we share aggregate information (that is not intended to individually identify any particular person) with advertisers, business partners, subsidiary companies, affiliated companies, parent corporations, sponsors, joint venture partners and other third parties in an effort to customize or enhance the content and advertising of our website for future users or to improve our marketing and promotional efforts. We may also integrate and aggregate data from web log files to assist us in understanding how this website is navigated and the relative popularity of various features and content.
11. Links to Other Sites
KL American does not guarantee the quality, content or availability of any third-party website to which a link may be provided. These links are made available to you as a convenience, and you agree to use these links at your own risk. Other websites have different privacy policies and other policies regarding usage of their sites. Our Privacy Policy only applies to our websites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our website and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personal information.
12. Children
This website is intended for minors. KL American does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age 13. If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, we will make reasonable efforts to delete such information from our records right away.
13. Access to Your Personal Information and “Opt Out” Procedures
If you want to update or correct your contact information with us, please contact us using the telephone number or email at the end of this Privacy Policy.
If you receive any promotional email communication from us, you will be given the option to “unsubscribe” from receiving further email communications from us at any time.  Your option not to receive promotional and marketing material will not preclude us from corresponding with you, by email or otherwise, regarding your existing or past business relationships with us, and will not preclude us from accessing and viewing your personal information in the course of maintaining and improving the website and our services.
14. Where We Will Transfer Your Personal Information
We are headquartered in the United States and this website is intended for a United States audience. If you are located outside of the United States, be advised that any information you provide to us will be transferred to and stored in the United States and that, by submitting information to us, you explicitly authorize its transfer and storage within the United States. We will protect the privacy and security of personal information according to this Privacy Policy regardless of where it is processed or stored.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to the website and any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your personal information, we will use reasonable efforts to implement procedures and security features to try to help prevent unauthorized access.
15. Changes to this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time, so we encourage you to check this policy when you visit the site. We will notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy by posting updated versions of this Privacy Policy on the website. Your continued use of the website following the changes to our Privacy Policy means you accept those changes. If you do not consent to our privacy practices as described in the revised version of the Privacy Policy, please do not continue to use the website in any manner.
16. How To Contact Us
For privacy inquiries, please contact us at 1-863-266-6601 or Contact@Thebestsod.Com.Privacy Policy

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